Bomber Harris quotes

Antonov again pressed the sub­ject of lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and entrain­ment, specif­i­cal­ly via Berlin, Leipzig and Dres­den. ‘Give it ’em back,’ they cried, and, ‘Let them have it too.’ I under­took forth­with to see that their wish­es were car­ried out; and this promise was cer­tain­ly kept.”On the oth­er hand, alone among Allied lead­ers, Churchill said, after being shown the results of one par­tic­u­lar­ly grue­some raid, “Are we beasts? Where is the hard evi­dence?

I think it can be more fair­ly regard­ed as a sign of his ambiva­lence about the moral­i­ty of area bomb­ing, but moti­va­tion of course is hard to prove.The main point is that at the time the deci­sion to bomb Dres­den was no big deal and was part of a wider plan for the bomb­ing of oth­er tar­gets in east Ger­many.

“Let ’em have it,” he said. He didn't tell *me*. We are bombing Germany city by city and ever more terribly in order to make it impossible for her to go on with the war. #War #Cities #Soldier “Victory, speedy and complete, awaits the side which first employs air power as it should be employed.

And not all the Stal­in-Churchill con­ver­sa­tions are in the offi­cial record. Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Attlee autho­rized the Dres­den raid while Churchill was en route to Yal­ta in Feb­ru­ary 1945. For many months after Rus­sia was attacked, bomb­ing was the only “sec­ond front” Britain could offer.

Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris: You're privileged, Collins. Recall­ing in his war mem­oirs a vis­it to a dev­as­tat­ed part of Lon­don, he wrote:  “When we got back into the car, a harsh­er mood swept over this hag­gard crowd. John Collins: We began the war in the defense of humanity, with God on our side!

John Collins: I think it so!

FDR was not going to take any chances.

-- Sir Arthur Harris, 1st Baronet . Churchill was, of course, a man of both words and action: “In war: Res­o­lu­tion….”John (below): good ques­tion. Dres­den had long been on Harris’s list as one of the 63 Ger­man cities he intend­ed to raze to the ground, but in the end, iron­i­cal­ly, he bombed Dres­den because he was ordered to do so.

But I had heard of the quote by Churchill “Are we beasts? The Sovi­et Air Mar­shal Khudyakov added his exper­tise to the same requests. Churchill gave an order for 100 heavy bombers to attack Berlin. I pub­lished his account in “Stal­in, with his Deputy Chief of Staff, Gen­er­al Antonov—I watched and heard them both—asked us and the Amer­i­cans to bomb lines of communication—roads and rail­ways.

I inter­pret­ed our assent. Hugh Lunghi, Russ­ian lan­guage inter­preter to British Chiefs of Staff, was a close observ­er at Yal­ta.

Are we tak­ing this too far?” He said the deci­sion to bomb Dres­den was “a seri­ous query against the con­duct of Allied bomb­ing.” Nei­ther Roo­sevelt nor Stal­in ever expressed qualms about the prac­tice.It is impor­tant to remem­ber that the request to bomb Dres­den, and sev­er­al oth­er tar­gets, was made by the Sovi­et high com­mand. “It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed….The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing.” —Churchill, 28 March 1945Churchill, Arthur Harris and Decisions to Bomb Germany

It is only log­i­cal that a gen­er­al or war leader will first think of his own side and then to the safe­ty and com­fort of the ene­my. They claimed they had it from their own sources. At the time the plan was approved at Yal­ta it was a com­mon sense strate­gic deci­sion and there was no rea­son to sus­pect that it would be con­tro­ver­sial. The British and U.S. air staffs had agreed by the end of Jan­u­ary 1945 on a plan, pro­duced in response to prod­ding from Churchill, for the bomb­ing of Dres­den, Leipzig and oth­er cities in east­ern Ger­many, with the aim of assist­ing the advance of the Red Army. What role did he have in appoint­ing Gen­er­al Har­ris was a mil­i­tary appoint­ment, though sup­port­ed by Churchill. The fol­low­ing day at the Chiefs of Staff meet­ing in Stalin’s Yusupov Vil­la, the ques­tion of liai­son for ‘bomb lines’ was dis­cussed. Rev. Due part­ly to a press brief­ing a few days after­wards, at which the allied spokesman appeared to say that the bomb­ing of Dres­den marked the begin­ning of a new pol­i­cy of “ter­ror bomb­ing,” and part­ly to Goebbels’s pro­pa­gan­da, it became a sym­bol of ter­ror bomb­ing and exposed what was frankly the hyp­o­crit­i­cal allied claim that the strate­gic bomb­ing offen­sive was only direct­ed at mil­i­tary tar­gets. But as a great war leader he knew he had a respon­si­bil­i­ty to 1) end the war as soon as pos­si­ble; and 2) save the lives of his own civil­ians and sol­diers first.

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