read the kingdom of the gods

The pebbles hummed with the low reverberations of his voice. After the establishment of his temple, he kept secret activities, but never stopped his evil plans. Not so much.This book follows the godling, Sieh, son of the Three who created the world and all who live in it. The story's told from the viewpoint of Sieh, the child-god, who (as it's acknowledged) is never very child-like to begin with, and his nature is constantly rationalized by generalities I'm not quite convinced by: children like surprises, children and rules, etc. It was nighttime, of course, with a full moon, and the stars had shifted fractionally. It lacks that OOMPH that made its predecessors shine. My mother was dead, but she got better. A good sign, that; when he was in a foul mood, he abandoned form altogether and forced any visitors to do the same. Maybe some of these believers would be consumed in the struggle with other gods, but the total amount was still increasing, otherwise, the Demonweb Pits would not become a half-plane on its own. “You, and the Maelstrom. Their love and their jealousy almost broke that very same world and killed many of their children. Meanwhile, a god of vengeance is out to destroy the last remnants of Arameri power, and is willing to kill the entire world to do it. What happens when he grows up?The book is written in first person from his point of view and at times it's almost too intimate. In the Maelstrom’s unknowable name. Jemisin is as talented as ever, and the focus on desperate longing lends the series thematic unity despite being a bit of a drag. If you haven’t read The Hundred-Thousand Kingdoms yet, you should probably run off to the bookstore or library right now. Worse, an ancient, forgotten figure has returned with a plan for vengeance that may doom the world. But, well, you pissed me off.”“I can if I want to. Damn her to her own misty hells. It gave me a really satisfied feeling of completion, not just for this book and Sieh's story, but for the trilogy as a whole. I hated them and I loved them and gods how I wanted to be with them, why couldn’t I just be one of them, it wasn’t fair—At this I slumped on him in misery. You can do that, can’t you? Darre mothers would already be haggling for the chance to marry you to their daughters. I have always been partial to brats.“Don’t hurt him,” she blurted.

I had seen that look on a thousand of her ancestors’ faces, and it always annoyed me. This is QUALITY. “Something is changing in me, Naha. Did she intend for Shahar’s children to be the true heirs, then? You're permanently established on my auto-buy list.P.S. Her perfect blonde curls spread prettily over half a dozen pillows, though I stifled a laugh at her face: mouth open, cheek mashed on one folded arm, and a line of drool down that arm forming a puddle on the pillow. They spoke there, exchanging inanities and warnings while I lurked incorporeal in a pocket of silence, spying. “It’s your sister who kicked me, not you, right?”But to my surprise, before I could, Deka sat forward and put his hand on mine.

Fitted with a knife blade, the better to cut my skin to ribbons. The characteristics of individual gods could be hard to pin down. The viewpoint is that of Sieh, the trickster child godling who appeared in both previous books. If so, she did not care that I watched. Metal bits and twisty hair.”She shook her head, resolute. Then I remembered the chains were gone, though the habit of straining against them apparently remained. This family, the Arameri, ruled for thousands of years, with the other gods and godlings as their slaves.

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