Prosaro 250 EC Bayer

Obe účinné látky fungujú ako inhibítory demetylácie v procese biosyntézy sterolov (SBI). 'n Opvolgbespuiting mag benodig word in hoë risiko Prosaro Fungicide Label & MSDS. numbers expressed as gain in yield vs. the untreated check. Comenzile le vom procesa și ex- pedia începând cu 5 decembrie.Puteți alege o altă adresă de livrare, dacă nu sunteți disponibil la cea specificată atunci când sunteți contactat de agentul de livrare.Îți mulțumim pentru review-ul acordat pe Google cu o reducere de 2% la orice achiziție făcută pe site-ul nostru. Prosaro 250 EC are actiune sistemica in plante. Protect your cereals and your bottom line with Prosaro XTR. PROSARO 250 EC Fungicide will protect the crop from yield and quality losses due to disease. Key Indicators. Prosaro 250 EC se utilizeaza in tratamente pe vegetatie pentru combaterea bolilor la urmatoarele culturi si in urmatoarele doze.Fungicid sistemic pentru combaterea bolilor foliare si a fuzariozeiCompleteaza datele si ramai la curent cu ultimile noutati!→ Substanta activa – protioconazol este o molecula noua din clasa triazolintione, caracterizata prin:Prosaro 250 EC are actiune sistemica in plante. Magazinul nostru va fi închis, dar veți putea plasa cu încredere comenzi în toată această perioadă. Prosaro 250 EC se utilizeaza in tratamente pe vegetatie pentru combaterea bolilor la urmatoarele culturi si in urmatoarele doze. La grau: pentru combaterea bolilor care formeaza complexul de boli foliare se utilizeaza la doza 0,75 l/ha. În perioada 30 noiembrie - 2 decembrie, petrecem împreună cu familia sărbătoarea națională de 1 decembrie și Sfântul Andrei. Bayer CropScience Inc. Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd S.E. Your results may vary according to agronomic, environmental and pest pressure variables.Select your preferred language.An online portal for our retail partners.Find out how to get the most out of your crop and the most out of your money.Select your province to ensure relevant contentExplore local Fungicide Demonstration Strip trial results to see how applying a fungicide can affect your bottom line.Choisissez votre langue préférée 630 tot 760 ml/ha Dien Prosaro 250 EC toe op die 4 - 6 blaarstadium van sw ar t m g e v ol i e ku s f n nd h ë risiko. From seed to harvest, Bayer is your trusted source for whole farm, tailored crop solutions.Complete Your Cereal Acre today with BayerValue.Calculate the return on investment you receive from a fungicide application with our ROI Calculator tool.At Bayer, we could say a lot about Prosaro fungicide, but we’d rather let Prosaro users do the talking.If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Prosaro XTR is here and it’s better than ever. So regardless of disease pressure and environmental conditions, give your wheat and barley yields a big-time boost come harvest time. Verkningstiden för Prosaro EC 250 beror på behandlingstidpunkt, dosering, grödans utvecklingsstadium och tillväxthastighet, infektionstryck samt väderförhållande. Přípravek Prosaro 250 EC zasahuje do biosyntézy ergosterolů, kdy inhibuje jejich demethylaci (FRAC kód 3, kód místa působení G1, SBI třída I). Přípravek po aplikaci proniká do vodivých pletiv ošetřovaných rostlin, je akropetálně transportován a zajišťuje ochranu i nově narůstajících částí rostlin. It’s everything you need to know, all in one quick, easy to access place.Enter your location details below, or, if you wish to locate a Bayer representative by name, enter it below.If planning on applying one fungicide application per year and flag leaf disease levels are low to moderate Bayer recommends waiting to apply a fungicide at the head timing, protecting against various head diseases including FHB, leaf diseases and subsequently maximizing both quality and quantity of your yield.Targeting the middle stage (shown below) will most often deliver the best results, but Bayer research has indicated that even if you apply slightly earlier or later, a positive ROI is still observed. PROSARO XTR 5/12 Version 1.0 / CDN Revision Date: 06/02/2017 102000028361 Print Date: 01/30/2019 (SK-ABS) Mefenpyr-diethyl 135590-91-9 10 mg/m3 (TWA) OES BCS* *OES BCS: Internal Bayer AG, Crop Science Division "Occupational Exposure Standard" Exposure controls Personal protective equipment La scurt timp dupa aplicare, produsul patrunde in tesuturile plantelor si este distribuit spre varful limbului foliar.Primesti produsele oriunde te-ai afla in RomaniaMecanismul de actiune este de tip DMI – inhibarea sintezei lanosterolului. Fungicid Prosaro 250 EC. How about 14%* better in spring wheat and 10.6%** better in winter wheat. Product Information. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. Calgary, Alberta T2C 3G3 En cas de déversement, d’empoisonnement ou d’incendie, composer le numéro 1-800-334-7577 (24 heures par jour) Remember, an application at head timing can supply both flag leaf protection and the added benefit of head protection throughout the grain fill period.Grow Your Knowledge and Earn CCA/CCSC CreditsBayer continues to focus on creating innovative crop solutions to help famers control existing crop threats, get ahead of emerging ones and ensure we are offering a diverse set of products, from Seed to Harvest.Source: 11 Bayer grower co-operated Wheat DSTs (2012-2013 and 2016).
Pripravok Prosaro 250 EC je systémový fungicíd na ochranu obilnín, repky, kukurice a slnečnice proti hubovým chorobám

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